Desensitise a trigger

Something that upsets you quickly?

Having flashbacks?

Want to de-sensitise to it?

Here, red10 ‘s Will Sudworth explains a do-it-yourself technique from Neuro Linguistic Programming that can help you desensitise to triggers.

Can you remember a significant time you were triggered?

Have you experienced what psychologists call an SEE: a Significant Emotional Event?

Is it giving you […]

2024-05-06T09:17:57+01:00March 12th, 2024|Categories: Coaching, Wellbeing|

Feeling like you’re losing your mind, could it be…

Experiencing something different for you?

Is it a taboo subject?

Is there silence to break?

Kirsten Campbell speaks openly and honestly about her personal peri-menopause experience, and her desire to create a space for sharing experience and thoughts.

Struggling with mental health?

As a personal development consultant trainer, I have always been one to advocate for mental and […]

2023-06-26T09:07:13+01:00May 5th, 2023|Categories: Wellbeing|Tags: , |

2022 – Small changes and new habits

Made New Year resolutions?

Pledging to lose weight, join a gym or have more family time?

Set your goals too low, high or just right?

It’s the time of year when we risk putting ourselves under extra pressure as we strive to keep New Year resolutions.  Here, red10 ‘s Karen Hyde describes her 5 small changes […]

2022-02-08T13:05:29+00:00January 7th, 2022|Categories: Wellbeing|

Wellbeing snacks

Have you heard the term ‘wellbeing snack’ but unsure what it means?

Do you want to improve your health but struggle to find the time and motivation?

Perhaps you keep trying new diets and exercise programmes, but they don’t work, and you end up back at square one – or worse?

Here red10 ‘s Lisa Smith […]

2022-01-07T10:01:37+00:00December 8th, 2021|Categories: Wellbeing|

Managing workload

You or your team feeling stretched?

Need to revisit automation, delegation and boundaries?

Tried the latest gamified productivity apps?

Here, red10’s Will Sudworth, gathers together 8 ideas for when it’s time to manage workload.

It’s easy to just say ‘yes’, then regret it.

Sometimes we say ‘yes’ when actually it isn’t ours to […]

2023-01-04T15:28:41+00:00July 6th, 2021|Categories: Wellbeing|


What comes to mind when you hear ‘relationship’?

Do you actively work on your relationships?

Did you know the word YOGA means relationship?

Here, red10’s Lisa Smith explains how relationships can be improved with many of red10’s products, and offers some insights to improve all your connections.

This is part of red10’s […]

2021-06-07T08:25:07+01:00May 7th, 2021|Categories: Skills, Wellbeing|

Letting go

Do you sometimes feel unhappy but can’t work out why?

Is there something you would like to let go of, which could make you feel better?

Perhaps you are attached to an image you have of yourself, to money or status, or to your beliefs and cultural systems?

As part of Wellbeing, red10’s Lisa […]

2021-05-11T10:49:39+01:00March 31st, 2021|Categories: Wellbeing|

Puncture repair or complete service?

How are you feeling?

What are the Pandemic’s effects on your health?

Are you free-wheeling or struggling on the uphill?

Whether this past year has left you feeling like you’ve had a blow-out, or just a slow puncture, here red10’s Lisa Smith describes how our Wellbeing Wheel may help get you free-wheeling again.

One thing […]

2021-05-11T10:49:19+01:00February 1st, 2021|Categories: Skills, Wellbeing|

Wellbeing Overview

  • Do you know someone with unhealthy lifestyle patterns?
  • Do they need a hand to pull themselves out of a wellbeing crisis?
  • Have you tried lots of different approaches and ended up back where you started – or worse

Here red10s Lisa Smith gives you an overview of the 8 spokes of

2024-08-05T12:50:50+01:00September 10th, 2020|Categories: Skills, Wellbeing|
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