Last year, we undertook research into the aspects considered most important by clients within each of red10’s 9-Dimensions of Team Effectiveness. We thought that we would share some of the key findings in the form of a multiple-choice quiz. You can compare your own thoughts with those of our respondents here.

There are nine questions below, one each pertaining the 9 Dimensions. Choose the response you think was considered the most important aspect of each Dimension and then compare your answers with our results at the end of the article. Our clients come from several FTSE 100 organisations as well as smaller companies, charities and the NHS.

Q1. Team Identity
The most important aspect is:
A. Getting to know each other/ socialising together
B. Being able to hold challenging open debate and enquiry
C. Understanding each other’s strengths, styles and working preferences

Q2.Team Values
The most important aspect is:
A. The team openly holds each other to account against the stated values
B. The team’s values are regularly referenced when we make decisions
C. We reward behaviour in keeping with our values

Q3. Team Partnership
The most important aspect is:
A. We share information with each other concerning our stakeholders
B. We treat suppliers and customers as partners
C. We form sub-groups and cross-team partnerships to achieve joint objectives

Q4. Team Vision
The most important aspect is:
A. The team’s objectives are aligned to the vision
B. Team members share the same vision
C. The vision has been clearly articulated

Q5. Team Reality
The most important aspect is:
A. The team readily shares information with each other
B. The team makes decisions based on quality data and metrics
C. We are able to openly table bad news

6. Team Strategy
The most important aspect is:
A. Team members take personal accountability for delivering the strategy
B. The strategy is firmly linked to the team vision
C. Measures and critical milestones are agreed and in place

Q7. Team Connection
The most important aspect is:
A. High levels of energy are achieved and maintained across the team
B. We go the extra mile for each other
C. We recognise the achievements of individuals

Q8. Team Execution
The most important aspect is:
A. There is no duplication of effort
B. Team roles are clearly defined
C. Team members keep each other updated

Q9. Team Learning
The most important aspect is:
A. We carry out ‘Lessons Learned’ reviews regularly
B. We seek feedback regularly
C. We can experiment in a ‘no-blame’ culture

The most important aspects cited were:
Identity A
Values B
Partnership C
Vision B
Reality C
Strategy A
Connection C
Execution B
Learning C

Find out more about the 9-Dimensions of Team Effectiveness here